
30 Amazing Flat Admin Templates

Flat design websites and flat interface design are the most trendy topic in last year. It has been really a huge topic on the Web design and mobile apps design. Flat design focuses on simple two-dimensional appearance, removing the drop shadows, gradients, and textures.

In this post, we have selected 30 amazing flat admin templates that can easily adapted to your next web based project. These admin template can be used for web based applications dashboard.  Hopefully you will find this collection useful. Enjoy!

See also:


Flat is a responsive flat admin template powered by Twitter Bootstrap v3.2.0 for administration and backend applications. It provides a very user-friendly design which results in a great user-experience.

flat admin template



Melon – a new premium flat & responsive Admin Template based on Bootstrap 3 with very flexible content structure. It is build with modern techniques like HTML5 and CSS3 to be used for backend solutions of any size.


Bucket Admin

Bucket Admin is a premium admin dashboard template with flat design concept. Flat color, Customized Chart, Easy to customize and developer friendly code.



FLAT KIT is a comprehensive responsive admin template built for starting your: Custom APPS / Website / CMS / CRM / SAAS / Mobile web application with over 97 unique HTML pages and hundreds of components.



Cascadeis a Light Weight, Flat , Responsive, Admin Dashboard template. It is complete set of modern standards and top notch design.



FLAT PLUS admin theme is a lightweight and modular Bootstrap Admin Template with tons of elements ready to be used as your next website app or admin interface.



Flat Ajax Bootstrap 3 Dashboard template.



Archon is a Flat , Responsive, Admin Dashboard template. It is complete set of modern standards and top notch design.



Mint is a flat design approach towards Admin Dashboards. Intuitive, cutting-edge, clean and easy to use and customize, as every Application UI should be.



Responsive Admin Dashboard Template with flat style design



FlatLab is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with real flat design concept. Flat color, clean content placement, easy customization and professional coding is its core power.



Boostbox is a flat, multifunctional and responsive admin theme built with the Twitter Bootstrap 3.2.0 Framework. Because Boostbox has a flexible layout, different color schemes and a lot of usefull components, you can use it for any type of web application.



Admin web application template with Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS. Using grunt and bower with bootstrap and angular, features nested views & routing and lazy load for large project.



Neon – is flat admin template for multi-purpose usage built with the latest version of Bootstrap – 3. It contains more than 112 HTML files which offer you great variety of layout options and resources, and it will be extended in the future updates with newer plugins and pages.



Bracket is yet another New Bootstrap 3 Admin Template with jQuery plugins that is perfect for your next projects. It provides an easy to use modern and flat user interface design and a fully responsive layout that is compatible with handheld devices such as phones and tablets.



Atlant – is a powerful admin template based on Bootstrap 3.3.1. Template is fully responsive and retina ready which means it is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad.



Fully responsive web application and admin dashboard template with app landing pages.



first is a mobile first web app / admin dashboard theme with flat ui based on Bootstrap 3, it’s lightweight but with many components suit to your need. it’s fully responsive, the widgets and components are mobile first.



ProUI is a responsive and full featured Admin and Frontend Template powered by the popular Bootstrap 3.3 framework. It overwrites the default style of Bootstrap to match its own modern and clean design and at the same time extends it to a large degree without being too complicated and losing its simplicity.



Neu is a responsive and multipurpose admin template built with the Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 Framework. Customizing the color palette as well as the details is extremely easy using the included LESS files.



AppUI is a fully responsive and full featured Web App and Admin Template powered by the popular Bootstrap 3.3 framework. It is built with web developers in mind and focuses on providing a great User Experience with a modern design, fast User Interface and many awesome features.



Pixit is a flat and responsive admin template for multi-usage built with Bootstrap 3. There are a lot of useful components, well organized and structured properly. It offer you great variety of layout options and resources and it include a frontend theme.



Responsive Massive Admin Pack with clean and modern design.


Bootstrap Web App Theme with AngularJS



AdminEx is a flat theme packed with a bunch of useful components, organized and structured properly so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time to integrate it with your web application.


Quick Admin

Quick Admin is a fully responsive HTML template, perfect for anyone looking to start a backend system with a modern interface.



FLATY is the new premium and fully responsive admin dashboard template. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap 3 Framework and features a clean, fresh and colorful flat user interface with strong code structure underneath.



Rainbow is a fully responsive multi-layout admin App built with Bootstrap and AngularJS. It use Sass CSS which makes it easy to modify.



uAdmin is a premium admin template built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework and comes with a flat design direction.



Cameo is a flat themed responsive admin template powered by the awesome Twitter bootstrap 3 front-end framework.

Written by Julian Anderson

Smashfreakz delivers Useful and Informative article about Design, Web Resource, WordPress, Top List, Infographic, Inspiration, Photography and Many more. Our Goals is make Inspirations to all people.

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