
15 Popular Websites That Use React JS

Today, mobile app developers are keen on enhancing the user interface of mobile applications to provide customers with a satisfying and a convenient experience. To make interactive UIs, many companies use React. It is a Javascript library for developing the user interface. It makes the process of developing user interface less complex.

React Javascript

All you need to do is design uncomplicated views for different states in your mobile application. Interestingly, React will correctly update and provide them with efficient components when the data alters.

It builds confined components that govern each and every state. These elements are composed to form complex user interfaces. It also allows users to create additional features without much hassle as you do not have rewritten the code to do so. Due to its broad applications, many companies use it to manage and develop user interfaces. Here are fifteen sites or applications that use React Js.

  1. Yahoo

In Yahoo’s case, it is not just about React. One of the developers at Yahoo shared the summarized notes of his take about how Yahoo has evolved throughout its journey. It also shares his ideas about how it also simplifies the process of operating with the code. Yahoo uses React to develop the client mail.

  1. Netflix

Netflix uses React for simplicity of the code and modularity. It also enhances its performance to a big extent. Netflix has shared relevant details in their blog section. Jafar Husain has given a talk on how they created their version of React that will properly work on their platform called Gibbon. So, they utilized React to enhance the performance of TV components.

  1. Facebook

As a matter of fact, React was developed on Facebook. Therefore, React is usedcorrectly on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. However, there is a significant difference in the ways Facebook and Instagram are using React as Facebook uses it partially and Instagram uses it in an absolute manner.

  1. Atlassian

Atlassian has developed Hip Chat that stands as one of the most prominent communication platforms in the entire world. They have been striving to re-develop the new version of their website to React. Developers at Atlassian had few options, i.e. Ember, React, and Angular. After having developed the prototype of Hip Chat client in all the chosen options, they decided to go for React. Those developers had also mentioned the summarized version of the main advantages of React on their blog.

  1. Khan Academy

Currently, various components of Khan Academy’s web portal are actively using React. Their mobile app developer, Joel Burget shared his talk on bringing the shift to React from Backbone. He also talks about one of the best React’s features, which regulates alterations of pages in an amazingly efficient manner. React helps them in avoiding unneeded changes.

  1. Sberbank

Sberbankis considered as one of the best banking agencies in Russia. One of the website developers at Sberbank shared his experiences on the Google Group of React and through his talk he mentioned the reason why their team is excited about their growth rate with React. He also said that he was astounded after knowing that the interactive value of bank’s web portal was established in React.

  1. Imgur

A typical React application showcases images from Imgur. It enables users to edit components of React and therefore, it would not be wrong to say that Imgur is partially dependent on React. React not only helps Imgur in displaying images but infact, it is also one of the major components that drive the user interface of Imgur.

  1. New York Times

One of the major news agencies, i.e. New York Times has also been using React for quite long. As a matter of fact, the New York Times’ project called 2014 Red Carpet Project was developed with the React javascript library.

  1. IMDB

There are various applications for searching movies in IMDB that use React JavaScript library. This makes it easier for developers to extract information as they direct the link to IMDB and examine the title entity.

  1. Airbnb

AirBnb also uses React Javascript library and trusts it more than any other Javascript Library as it is backed by Facebook.

  1. Feedly

React is also used by Feedly as its popularity kept on increasing since the time it took a huge turn over the past few years when Facebook made it an open source platform on Android.

  1. Code Academy

In 2014, Code Academy thought of working with React JavaScript Libraryto write User Interfaces in a more structured way. React JavaScript Library also enables developers to work in a highly automated and learning environment. The fact that it can be used to develop User Interfaces of straightforward and complex applications shows how useful it is for every application developing company.

  1. OK Cupid

This dating application also uses React JavaScript Libraryto improve its User Interface. Dating app websites are meant to be addictive therefore OK Cupid could not choose any other way to enhance their UI without much hassle.

  1. Quizlet

Recently, Quizlet developed a game to allow students to have a fun learning experience. Since React makes the process of developing smooth animations easier so Quizlet decided to use React for interactive animation designs. It allowed them to go beyond their limitations.            

  1. Reddit

The mobile version of Reddit is using React in a partial manner. Therefore, it uses React to build polymorphic applications that shape up the front end experience of Reddit applications.

Written by Shahid Abbasi

Shahid Abbasi is a big time tech geek working with one of the top mobile app development companies, Peerbits. He has a proven efficiency over designing mobile apps for the enhanced UI/UX for websites and mobile apps. Moreover, he likes to share his knowledge over a series of technical blogs to make himself more resourceful globally. Over the weekends, he transforms himself into become an awesome cook.

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