
10 Free WordPress PayPal Plugins for Ecommerce Website

Looking to add paypal payment in your wordpress website? You’re in luck, because we’ve decided to make a list of the best free Paypal wordPress plugins that can be used for any ecommerce website. These latest WordPress PayPal plugins allow customers to receive updates about transaction details and mini statements about the wireless money transfer in addition to other benefits. We hope you will find the list useful to serve your purposes.

See also:

10 Free WordPress PayPal Plugins for Ecommerce Website

Easy PayPal Shopping Cart

This plugin will allow you to sell products or services on your website using an Add to Cart Button and View Cart Button. The Shopping Cart itself is hosted on PayPal. You can place a the Cart button anywhere on your site where you want to sell something. Your customers can use their PayPal account to pay for your products or services or they can pay by Debit or Credit Card.

Free WordPress PayPal Plugin


PayPal for WooCommerce

Easily add PayPal payment options to your WordPress / WooCommerce website.


CP Contact Form with Paypal

CP Contact Form with Paypal lets to add a contact form into a WordPress site and connect it to a PayPal payment. Created by an Official Paypal Partner.

WP Easy Paypal Payment Accept

Easy to use WordPress plugin to accept paypal payment for a service or product or donation in one click. Can be used in the sidebar, posts and pages of your site.


PayPal Responder

PayPal Responder processes payment for a product via PayPal, then sends an email responder to the customer and returns them to a URL of your choice. You can use it to sell any type of product/s on your website. There is no cart, checkout process or anything complicated – it just lets the user buy a single product in 1 click, then returns them to a URL of your choice, and emails them the auto-responder.


WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart

WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart allows you to add an ‘Add to Cart’ button for your product on any posts or pages. This simple shopping cart plugin lets you sell products and services directly from your own wordpress site and turns your WP blog into an ecommerce site.


Quick Paypal Payments

Zero to PayPal with just one shortcode. Jam packed with features and options with easy to use custom settings.


PayPal Payment Shortcode

Easy to use WordPress plugin to accept paypal payment for a service or product or donation in one click by shortcode.

EZ PayPal

EZ PayPal gets you started with your online business. Use PayPal IPN, sell digital goods with instant download, and no carts. Official PayPal Partner.

Nice PayPal Button Lite

Nice PayPal Button Lite gives you the power to create PayPal Buy Now buttons wherever you choose, by simply adding shortcodes to your post or page.

Written by Julian Anderson

Smashfreakz delivers Useful and Informative article about Design, Web Resource, WordPress, Top List, Infographic, Inspiration, Photography and Many more. Our Goals is make Inspirations to all people.

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