
5 Free Cheweing Gum Mockup for Packaging Design Presentation

If you are searching free chewing gum mockup for your next packaging design, your search ends here. In this post we will show you a 5 free chewing gum mockup templates that allow you to showcase your design and impress clients. Each free chewing gum mockup comes as a PSD, and each one employs smart objects; so to insert your artwork all you need to do is double-click on the layer and paste your design in.

#2 Free Chewing Gum Mockup

Free Chewing Gum Mockup can help you, your client, company or product be exclusive and original. Via smart objects, you can easily customize and change any mockup element, like colors in order to make it fit your design presentation needs.

#3 Free Chewing Gum Packaging Mockup

Free Chewing Gum mockup to help you present your chewing gum packaging in a captivating manner. To use this freebie, download the file and open it in Photoshop. Then, look for the smart object layer where you can integrate your designs without hassle. Apparently, you can replace the designs and upload your own in the visible sides of the chewing gum packaging.

#4 Candy-Coated Chewing Gum Mockup

Candy-Coated Chewing Gum Mockup in PSD file format. All smart layers are placed on the top of layer panel with specific name along with a help layer to guide and choose the right layer for design insertion. Background is also customizable.

Written by Julian Anderson

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