If you're having internet problems and it came out of nowhere, there may be a problem with your network too. Slow internet makes life much more difficult for the modern gamer. After all, it's incompatible with gaming, but fortunately, in many cases, this can be fixed.
Maybe you live at an address where you don't have the option to change your internet provider. In that case, you'll have to work with what you have, and here you can get a little more Mbps with our tips below.
For the answer to why you need a strong internet connection to play online, look here: https://mackeeper.dk/spil-paa-nettet-kraever-kraftigt-internet/.
1. Position your wireless equipment properly
We recommend that you place your wireless router in the center of your home, preferably close to where you play. It is important that it is placed out in the open, preferably high up. Do not leave it in the kitchen as metal surfaces and microwave ovens can interfere with the signal.
If the router has antennas, they can be either vertical (better for single-story houses) or horizontal (better for covering several floors).
2. Connect your computer to the network with a cable
It's no secret that wireless Internet access can cause problems when you're gaming. If you often have trouble playing games, you can try connecting your computer directly to the router via cable.
When you connect to the network via cable, you usually get a lower response time.
3. Change the channel on your wireless equipment
Here you may need help from your Internet Service Provider as you need to log into the router to change the channel.
Wireless routers use specific channels so you can switch between them. Some channels are more frequent than others, so we recommend that you switch to a channel with less traffic.
4. Replace your wireless equipment
If your router is old and worn out, this can affect your speed. If you're a gamer this can be annoying, so we recommend upgrading your hardware constantly. If you have a wireless router from your ISP, you can ask for a new one to be sent to you. In fact, this requires that the router is actually old and worn out, so you won't just be sent a new router if you already have newer equipment.
5. Check your computer for viruses
If your computer is behaving strangely and has suddenly installed extraneous software, you may have a virus. Viruses and games are a bad combination because viruses steal your computer's resources.
We recommend you use one of the following free antivirus software so you can scan (and possibly clean) your computer for viruses:
6. Connect wireless equipment to the main cable
You may have several outlets in your home to which you can connect your router. We recommend finding the main cable and connecting the router to it. Typically, the main cable is in a utility room in/around the utility room or entryway, from where it runs through a splitter and onto the various outlets in the house. There should also be a free socket here where the router can be plugged in.
The reason for this is that the main cable can give you faster speeds and a more stable internet connection. If you are in doubt about this, you can always ask your Internet service provider.
7. Check to see if others are using your network
Maybe your neighbor is using your internet without your knowledge. Using the Fing app, you can quickly scan your network to see if anyone else is using it. If so, change your Wi-Fi password.
If strangers are using your internet, it can affect your gameplay. Especially if they are sitting and sharing large files over the internet.
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