The defense of equality, justice and human dignity is the most important struggle facing humanity today. After world wars, armed conflicts and serious crimes against basic universal principles, awareness has been raised to formalize a series of conditions that guarantee the integrity and respect of life.
International Human Rights Day
Accordingly, on December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, declaring these inalienable and inalienable guarantees for all people, regardless of race, religion, sex, language, culture or political views.
The Declaration, written by representatives of different legal, social and cultural contexts of the world, dictates universal values and a general idea that all people and nations should follow.
Although it is a living declaration that is subject to change, the universality of its principles and the effectiveness it has demonstrated in resolving cases of human rights violations make it a timeless text.
The document in 500 languages establishes that all people have the same value, and this must be taken into account before all civil, state and legal entities. The most translated proclamation on the planet laid the foundations for strengthening the dignity of citizens and making the world a more just place.
Being just a few steps away from celebrating the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Declaration, the UN calls on us to continue the struggle to protect these values that strengthen all humanity and cover all aspects of a citizen's life, regardless of location or circumstances. This is an unfathomable truth that sets guidelines for states to follow when legislating on this issue, and provides important information so that citizens can protect themselves against any abuse of this type. As we continue to strive for justice and equality around the world, consulting with specialized legal experts, such as types of ofac sanctions programs, remains essential to ensuring compliance with international law and supporting global human rights initiatives.
Dignity to preserve
Human rights are interconnected, interdependent and indivisible. They are provided for and guaranteed by law through legal figures such as treaties, customary international law, general principles and other sources of international law.
These rules set out measures that governments must take in certain situations to promote and protect fundamental principles and freedoms of individuals or groups.
The principle of universality is one of the most important qualities of this proclamation, since it establishes that all states have the duty - regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems - to promote and ensure the preservation of these guarantees. In this sense, according to UN data, all states have ratified at least one of these legal instruments, and 80% of them have done so with four or more core human rights treaties. See also: The crime of sexual harassment is a problem that justice must solve
About non-discrimination
Similarly, non-discrimination is a cross-cutting principle in international human rights law. This guarantee applies to all human rights and freedoms and prohibits discrimination based on categories such as sex, race, color, etc. It is complemented by the principle of equality provided for in the Universal Declaration, which states: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."
The protection of these rights is also in the hands of international organizations such as the Inter-American System of Human Rights, whose mission is to promote regional protection of guarantees in all circumstances and to act legally when necessary through the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.