
Pop Easy – Tiny jQuery Plugin for Easily Modal Windows

Pop Easy is a tiny jQuery plugin for easily modal windows. The plugin is lightweight (only 2kb) and has support for displaying any HTML element, including videos and iframes. Put focus on important elements by applying a mask to your page and opening a customizable pop up modal window.


There are options for customizing the animation used when the modal appears, its speed, the opacity, if it’ll be opened onLoad and more.

To use multiple modals on one page, you must sync the href attribute of the trigger to the id of the div you wish to open.

To use a hosted video from Vimeo, YouTube, etc. embed the iframe in the modal. Then pass the src attribute of the video option to the plugin and set a class. The class name is a required element and must be passed to the plugin. When a iframe is embedded, it is best to set moveOnScroll to false.

Requirements: jQuery
Compatibility: Major Browser including IE7

Written by Julian Anderson

Smashfreakz delivers Useful and Informative article about Design, Web Resource, WordPress, Top List, Infographic, Inspiration, Photography and Many more. Our Goals is make Inspirations to all people.

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