
Want your Magento store to rake in the Big Bucks? Choose the Right Theme!

Magento is one of the most trusted ecommerce platforms available on the market and some of the biggest brands use Magento empowered sites to not only help sell their products and services but also increase brand awareness. Its scalability, flexibility and security make Magento such a big hit amongst online merchants. Although Magento stores are seen to be raking in the big bucks for their owners, it’s not the use of this platform alone that is the reason behind the profitability of these stores. One huge reason that these stores are so successful is because they have chosen professional Magento themes that make people want to buy from these stores.

If you want your store to become popular and set the cash registers on fire, you will need to choose the right theme. This is easier said than done, but if you follow the tips given below your job will become a whole lot easier. So, let’s take a look:

Choose a Theme That Suits the Personality of your Store

Think of your store as an online entity with a personality of its own, and choose a theme that perfectly matches this personality. For e.g. if you are selling clothes for kids, your website needs to be bright, colorful and energetic. You need to choose a theme that conveys this effect otherwise it won’t find any takers. You can’t choose a theme with a boring coloring combination and where there isn’t a lot happening on the layout; instead of activity the layout brings out a feeling of passivity. Such a layout won’t gel with the personality of your website or its target audience.

Choose a Theme that’s Responsive

We are in an age where website will be accessed more through the smartphones or tablets of your target audience, rather than their desktops. The days of desktop internet are slowly fading away to be replaced by the era of mobile web. That’s why you need to pick a responsive Magento theme for your store. Make sure your theme can render effectively on all the devices your website is accessed from irrespective of their screen size or resolution. Otherwise, you will keep losing customers that are shopping for products and services using their mobile phones.

Make Sure the theme has a compelling design

A successful store is one that has repeat buyers and loyal customers. Your website must be the first port of call of your customers if they want to shop for the kind of products and/or services you are selling. In fact, your design must be able to convert shoppers into brand advocates. They must bring in new customers to your online store. This is why you must pick a Magento theme that has compelling design. It must make the process of interacting with your brand easy and memorable. There are plenty of premium Magento themes available on the market, which offer a unique but highly satisfying store experience to shoppers. The compelling nature of their design means it develops a sense of trust vis-à-vis the brand and evokes the emotions necessary to make positive buying decisions.

Compatible and Customizable

As far as templates go, and here we are talking about both premium Magento templates as well as the ordinary ones, they must be compatible with the Magento platform that you have chosen to build your site on. For e.g. there are certain themes that are compatible with Magento 1.6.1 but don’t work well with Magento 1.5.  In such cases, the incompatibility of the theme interferes with the site’s shopping experience. Shoppers are unable to experience a seamlessness shopping experience that is the hallmark of most Magento ecommerce sites.

Something else that your theme needs to be is 100% customizable. There is a chance you will come across a theme that you like, but there are some elements that you feel need to be tweaked to suit your website’s purpose and of course, it’s personality. By choosing a customizable theme you will ensure that you can customize the theme to suit you store’s needs and requirements to perfection.

Once you have chosen a theme, you will need to hire the services of an expert in Magento theme customization to make sure that the theme can be changed as per your expectations, without any problems whatsoever.

Choose a Theme by a Reputed Magento Theme Provider

Creating themes for the Magento platform is big business these days, owing to the popularity of the platform. There are plenty of web development companies who are coming up with diverse themes; your job is to pick a theme by a company that is known for coming up with quality themes, and which don’t have bugs. There are plenty of online sources that you can download your theme from, but you need to know which sources are the good ones. Remember, the quality of your theme plays a huge role in whether your ecommerce store succeeds or not. So don’t take any chances.

Choosing the right theme for your Magento based ecommerce store brings to it the right kind of credibility, professionalism, salability and marketability. These are the essential qualities that every ecommerce store must have if it needs to be profitable. If the theme’s not good, your store will suffer the consequences. Don’t think the technical finesse of your store will ensure its profitability; this needs to be backed by a good looking and apt theme for the store.

So, take your time and choose your Magento theme carefully. Don’t make a hasty decision otherwise you might end up choosing the wrong theme.

Written by ThemeHeros is a brand new ecommerce Magento Theme store. Find the best responsive Magento themes and templates for your store. Get Magento services done by our team of dexterous and professional Magento developers. We are also available on Twitter & Google+ .

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