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3 Mobile HTML Templates with Metro Style Design

3 Mobile HTML Templates with Metro Style Design

is a design style and language developed by Microsoft. Many designer loves it.  A key design principle of Metro is better focus on the content of applications, relying more on typography and less on graphics.  Metro style designs are hot and become trend right now. In this post, i would like to share 3 mobile HTML Templates with metro style design. Enjoy it.

See also:

1. Metro Mobile Premium HTML Mobile Template

Metro mobile template is just limited with your imagination. Create your own metro tiles and own style.

3 Mobile HTML Templates with Metro Style Design


2. Retro Metro

Retro Metro follows strict Guidelines, following the design principles of classic Swiss graphic design. Under this design approach, the content and typography is given more attention as opposed to UI chrome.

3 Mobile HTML Templates with Metro Style Design


3. The Metro Mobile Retina

Full fatured Metro HTML5 CSS3 Mobile template with iphone web app. supports most phones!

3 Mobile HTML Templates with Metro Style Design

Written by Julian Anderson

Smashfreakz delivers Useful and Informative article about Design, Web Resource, WordPress, Top List, Infographic, Inspiration, Photography and Many more. Our Goals is make Inspirations to all people.

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